The English Expert
Contact John on 0779 2271969
Professional Tuition Services
A guest lecturer who informs and entertains with great verve, enthusiasm and a splash of humour! A wide range of lecture topics are available for academic revision classes, sessional lecturing; from U3A to corporate training events.
Lecture topics available:
An Introduction to the Poetry of Thomas Hardy
The Brilliant Poetry of W.H. Auden
The Mysterious Elizabethan World of Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Marlowe's Dr Faustus - THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL
Is it a Cob, a Bread Roll or a Stotty?; the wonderful variety of accents and dialects in the UK
Witchcraft and Magic in Elizabethan England
The Grammar Guru - correcting common mistakes
Inspiring a Reading Culture: How we can improve our childrens' literacy?
An introduction to Gothic Literature
Exploring the World of Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes